About this site
Ashik's notes [mostly tech and programming stuff]
I am Ashik, a full time software developer, father of two kids and just another harmless individual on the internet.
Since I work on several small hobby projects every year, I tend to forget the details of how exactly I did something. Much of this information is available at various other resources on the internet (from where I learned it in most cases), but it has always been a hassle to find them all over again when I want to reproduce the same setup after a while. So I decided to create this place where I am planning to note down some of the things I did or am doing. A lot of this will be specific to my setup and perhaps are not the most optimal, scalable or even secure solutions. So if you try to repeat any of this, please keep in mind that your mileage might vary. I still decided to keep it public on the internet just in case if it comes to use to someone.
Some old news:
Google Scholar link to my past research in Combinatorial algorithms
My PhD thesis hosted by Aalto University, Finland
Purchase my collection poems in Malayalam (ദു:ഖിതയായ ഒരു ഒട്ടകം)
Contact : blog@ashik.se
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